Virtual Conference Platforms For Online Conference in 2024

Virtual conferences are on the rise, and people are no longer looking for a physical location to attend. Virtual conferences have brought new challenges with them, so we’ve compiled this guide to help you get started.

Virtual Conference Platforms
Virtual Conference Platforms

What is a virtual conference?

Virtual conferences are a conference that is primarily or entirely held online, allowing all participants to be from different geographical locations. Virtual conferences generally rely on web conferencing platforms such as Zoom, Webex, and other enterprise software like Cvent but can also include Virtual Reality (VR) devices like the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive for those interested in more immersive experiences.

Why Host Virtual Conference?

Virtual conferences have a number of benefits. They can be cheaper on the host end, with fewer costs for equipment and space; they’re more flexible to attendees since they don’t need to take time off work or travel.

It’s also easier for people who may not feel comfortable in social settings like networking events.

The virtual conference also gives participants the ability to ask questions and provide feedback throughout sessions instead of waiting until after when talking face-to-face might make them uncomfortable

What makes a good virtual conference?

Virtual conferences should follow some basic guidelines: Use high-quality web conferencing software such as Zoom or Webex (Cvent is great too) Ensure that your content complies with accessibility standards Provide plenty of session recordings so people can rewatch sessions they missed Virtual reality components are great for those who enjoy immersive experiences

What are the benefits of attending a Virtual Conference?

There are many reasons to attend virtual conferences. Perhaps, you work night shifts and cannot make it out during traditional conference times or maybe your current location is unable to accommodate traveling for a physical event.

Virtual registration and ticketing has also made it easier than ever before as attendees need only purchase an online pass which can be accessed from any device regardless if they have a mobile phone or tablet!

Some other great features include being able to watch keynotes at any time, participating in chat rooms with fellow participants, watching videos created by others within their organization on how-to’s related to that specific topic, and more!

What should I consider when planning my first virtual conference?

There are some things that every organizer must keep in

– Virtual Conferences are more cost-effective than in-person conferences because there is less overhead involved. This means that they can be hosted by anyone who wants to host it and has the technology necessary for virtual meetings. Virtual conference organizers don’t need much in order to host their event – all they really need is a computer and internet connection (which most people already have).

– Virtual conference attendees also save money when traveling; not only do they not need to worry about travel expenses but many flights offer free Wi-

Virtual conferences have brought new challenges with them, so we’ve compiled this guide to help you get started.

Virtual Conferences Challenges

Many virtual conference organizers struggle with content distribution. It’s easy for people to miss sessions they wanted to watch if these sessions were only accessible via YouTube links shared through social media platforms outside of the platform where live streaming occurred during the event itself. To overcome this challenge, we recommend capturing session information within your integrated virtual conference tool so that it becomes available immediately after each session concludes.

Virtual conference attendees consider virtual conferences to be less engaging than in-person events due to the lack of face-to-face collaboration. Virtual reality (VR) devices can help overcome this challenge by providing immersive experiences that keep people engaged and active participants during sessions.

Many Virtual Conference attendees also report feeling disconnected from other Virtual Conference attendees because there is a lack of shared experiences during Virtual Conferences. Virtual reality (VR) devices can help overcome this challenge by providing immersive experiences that keep people engaged and active participants during sessions.

How to host a virtual conference?

Virtual conference hosting is relatively easy. The virtual event hosting platforms allow people to enter your virtual event from any location and at their convenience so you don’t have to worry about creating a physical space for them in which to attend.

Virtual conferences can also be easily accessed via mobile devices, tablets or desktops making it possible for anyone with internet access the ability to participate in Virtual Conferences.

Virtual conference hosting is also becoming more popular as a means to reduce overhead costs for both virtual and physical conferences since less equipment is needed in order to host the event.

Virtual conference platforms provide many different features that Virtual Conference hosts may want to consider when hosting their Virtual Conferences. Virtual

Conference hosts may also want to consider Virtual Reality (VR) devices and online engagement tools that can be used for Virtual Conferences.

Virtual Conference Hosting

Virtual conference hosting requires a lot of planning and preparation. The Virtual Conference hosts should consider the following factors when creating their Virtual Conferences:

– Choose the right Session Categories/Themes

– Pick good session speakers

– Keep a professional moderator

– Create Virtual Session Schedule/Timetable

– Decide a final date for your virtual conference

– Choose an event platform for hosting

– Decide event marketing for your virtual conference by promoting it on event portals, forums, and social media platforms.

-Create a website where attendees can register with all information about your event

-Send RSVP to attendees with constant reminders before the actual event date


How do you choose the right virtual event platform?

Virtual event platforms offer Virtual Conference hosts many different features and functionalities.

Virtual Conference hosts should consider the following features when choosing a virtual event platform:

– Virtual Live Streaming

– Virtual Room Layout and Planning

– Integrated Engagement Tools for Virtual Confessionals, Chats, Q&A’s, Polling Tools etc

– Virtual Reality (VR) devices if supported.

– Virtual Session Schedule/Timetable

– Enabling Social Media Sharing Tools Within the Event


– Breakout rooms

Best Virtual Conference Platforms

The virtual conference platform market continues to grow as more entrepreneurs and businesses realize the value of hosting events online instead of in person. While some platforms have been around since the late 2000s, it’s only recently that the quality of these platforms has reached a level where they can be used as primary virtual conference solutions by large enterprise companies as well as small businesses looking to grow their audience reach without having to spend money on travel costs or venue fees.

Let’s look at some of the best virtual conference platforms in the market:


The number of Virtual Conference Platforms has skyrocketed over recent years. Some are great, some are terrible. There’s a lot to sort through, but Cvent is one of our favorites because it does an incredible job combining ease-of-use with features that make planning events much easier for both organizers and attendees.

So, if you’re planning your first virtual conference or you want to try something new with your next one, consider using Cvent as your Virtual Conference Platform.


Not only does Aventri feature a virtual conference platform, but it also provides video conferencing and webinars to make communication seamless and easy.

The company’s 3D presentation technology gives presenters an engaging way to connect with their audience and makes every meeting look like a live event.

Best of all, no extra equipment is needed; Aventri requires nothing more than an internet connection and computer.

What’s more, its cloud-based system allows for greater collaboration and less time away from core business operations. For companies that want to keep pace with today’s fast-paced world, Aventri delivers all of these great features at a price point anyone can afford.


Bizzabo is an online platform that allows you to host professional conferences of any size. Through sharing presentations, Q&A sessions and networking opportunities, Bizzabo helps businesses stay connected on any device says their website. Key features include polling, multi-language support and engagement tracking. Pricing options are available through a free trial plan or on a sliding scale based on attendance. Payments can be made by credit card or PayPal for all purchases over $100 USD annually.


One of Whova’s biggest strengths is its extensive marketplace, which boasts over 1,300 companies and 175,000 events. Whova handles scheduling for you; all you have to do is choose when and where you want to meet. Events are organized by topics including technology, business, leadership and creativity. Users can also add their own topics or events into a public calendar that allows anyone with access to add their own sessions into that same calendar. In addition to full-length webinars, users can also start a simple video chat right from within a calendar event page to communicate with participants directly during scheduled breaks in an event.


Hosting conferences is easy with Webex. It’s an intuitive software that makes it simple to collaborate via video calls, share content, and conduct online meetings. The platform even offers mobile apps for iOS and Android devices. Hosting conferences is easy with Webex. It’s an intuitive software that makes it simple to collaborate via video calls, share content, and conduct online meetings. The platform even offers mobile apps for iOS and Android devices. Pricing starts at $29 per month per user, but there are volume discounts available if you host multiple conferences on a regular basis.


The most common of all virtual conference platforms, Webex is extremely reliable and has a large number of integrations with other tools like Jira and Confluence. The interface is easy to use for participants and organizers alike. With Webex, you get an intuitive video conferencing system that’s not too pricey.


Founded by a team of veteran tech entrepreneurs in 2013, Vfairs is a fast-growing virtual event platform. Users can create and host their own virtual events from start to finish, from inviting guests to attend to handling payments. In just a few clicks, users can have a professional-looking event up and running that feels natural and dynamic. In fact, an entire digital conference or meeting can be created through just one or two conversations! The platform includes widgets for YouTube Live Event Streaming, Whiteboard Videos , Polling/Surveys , Leaderboards , Drawing Polls , Chat Rooms , Slideshows with Autoloading Images and much more. There are no limits on how many events a user can create.


If you need a virtual conference platform on a budget, ClickMeeting provides audio conferencing at only $20 per month per user. It’s affordable and easy to use, with no subscription or hosting fees. Most of its features are free as well, including screen sharing and file transfer tools. Those looking for more advanced capabilities, can upgrade to additional services for an additional cost. The company also offers enterprise-level pricing if your business needs something more robust than their starter package can provide.


If you are searching for a webinar platform that gives you ultimate flexibility, then WebinarJam is just what you need. It offers high-quality customization features. If you are willing to pay its higher pricing fee, then it has an amazing list of features that will let your webinars shine. One of its best features is a dual-screen display which allows your attendees to ask questions through the chatbox. What’s more, attendees can also view slides alongside recording simultaneously during webinars. You can broadcast or record any type of media content using WebinarJam easily. For business experts who are looking for a reliable platform for hosting both paid and free online events, then WebinarJam should be an ideal choice for them!


This virtual conferencing tool allows users to host online meetings with up to 200 people. It has its own mobile app, which is available for both Android and iOS devices. The mobile version of ClickMeeting is free; if you wish to use it on your computer, it will cost you $39 per month. This virtual conferencing tool also features support for sharing presentations, videos and screen grabs.


What’s great about Zoom is that their focus is strictly on virtual meetings. As a result, you won’t get bogged down with other distractions while using it—and since they specialize in these sorts of conferences, they’re able to offer a wide range of features and functionality that you won’t find anywhere else. If you only host small meetings, Zoom might be your best option.


In every virtual conference, it is important that members be able to participate. On Airmeet, participants can ask questions to speakers via a chat box and share notes by posting comments on each slide. The platform also offers chat rooms where members can connect with other participants and discuss ideas about a certain topic. Before a conference takes place, organizers can create a customized URL for their event, which they can then promote online to gather participants from all over the world. In addition, when users visit an event page from Airmeet’s mobile app, they are provided with real-time information about what is happening during their session. In terms of security and confidentiality concerns, members have complete control over what they post in any room or message thread available through the platform.


The most significant advantage of Eventzilla over other virtual conference platforms is that it’s super-fast. Once you sign up, you can quickly put together your agenda and start inviting speakers. The platform also provides users with tools for easily creating smart contracts, interactive sessions, Q&A panels and online chat events.


Web conferencing is a huge industry, and BigMarker stands out as a feature-rich virtual conference platform. This platform is known for having better collaboration features than most of its competitors, with options to embed videos from YouTube or Vimeo into presentations. Another feature that sets BigMarker apart is its whiteboard functionality; users can share images and documents as well as write on them collaboratively. Most users praise BigMarker’s high-end customer service and fast response times; those who run virtual conferences often use it because they find it simple to set up and easy to use during their events. Those who don’t like BigMarker cite poor integration with third-party platforms and incompatibility with MacOS or Linux systems as reasons not to choose it.


When you attend a virtual conference, there are several ways you can ask questions, including through traditional ones like email and phone calls. But one of our favorite tool is called SpotMe. The platform allows you to follow live discussions from your favorite experts and speakers on Twitter—but also lets you share your own thoughts and ask questions during each talk.



Virtual conference platforms can help you host your online conferences easier, build brand awareness, reach a wider audience and grow your community.

We hope this article will help you make an informed decision about how your business can leverage virtual conference platforms effectively.

International Brand Equity

International Brand Equity – IBE is the leading independent arbiter of branding, brand market research company, publisher of the highly influential business magazine, consumer choice brand survey reports, and organizer of business, startups, MSME, and real estate awards and summits across the Asia and UAE.
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